Plainst Technologies, one of the medical industry’s leaders in nanotechnologies, desired an online display of their strategy to increase site sales, while utilizing their current customer base.
Executing a digital marketing action plan effectively without overwhelming resources or losing sight of goals.
Implemented a structured approach to digital marketing execution, prioritizing key initiatives aligned with business objectives. Leveraged automation tools for routine tasks to free up resources. Regularly monitored progress and adjusted strategies based on real-time data.
Achieved efficient execution of the digital marketing action plan, optimizing resource allocation. Successfully met and exceeded goals, thanks to a focused approach. Enhanced adaptability to changing market conditions, ensuring the plan's continued relevance and success.
0.09% CTR
20% less CPA
272% ROI
From The Client
"These guys have built such a strong relationship with our organization that we consider them an extension of our IT department. We always know that excellent service is just a phone call or e-mail away and that we will receive the same level of attention they always provide that makes us feel like we're their top priority."